[Android] Programming Objects between Java and JNI
Sometimes, you have to implement the performance sensitivity or low-level operations in your application. That means you need to execute the code on the na …
Sometimes, you have to implement the performance sensitivity or low-level operations in your application. That means you need to execute the code on the na …
Introduction:Basically, there is no any ringtone in the Android emulator. You can add ringtone by the adb command. In the Android, you can place some many resou …
Boot to Gecko (B2G)是由Mozilla所發表的雲端作業系統,性質類似於Chrome OS,基本的差異在於,Chrome OS專注在提供新的Netbook使用體驗(完全基於網路,thin-client裝置的概念),但是B2G的目標是提供一個良好且開放的Web應用程式運行環境。以下是官方網站上所 …
You can increase your I/O performance by the Buffered I/O technique when you are using the Java I/O methods,. The performance of Buffered I/O is better than Unb …
Because the Android Emulator is running on simulated ARM instruction set on x86-platform so that the emulator is too slowly generally. You can choose the Androi …
In the default setting for Android emulator, the system will reply a “out of memory” error when we want to install other package to the emulator. Ab …
今天經過朋友介紹,知道市面上有 Phabricator,這套可以用來作為 Code Review 的工具。聽說介面很漂亮,所以就好奇一下,把他架起來看看,沒想到一試之下,就發現安裝真簡單,才一個小時就完成架設,哈哈哈。 架完之後看到介面,真是既簡單又漂亮,太讚了!!! 下面是摘錄自 Phabricator Introd …
為了能夠自己架個包含 Code Review 的 Private Repository,所以10月份就在家裡架好的 Web Server,多加個 Gerrit System,沒想到在 MySQL 卡了不少問題,還好最後還是找到解決方法。 上次的 Gerrit Code Review 架設 – Part 1 – Gerr …
When we download the Android source code from AOSP, the branch list and tag list are existing on the local repository. We can get these lists through the git co …
When we develop a project includes the JNI technique, we should use the Android NDK tool for building these source code. But, the NDK is a command line tool tha …