[N900] Cannot Upgrade the Firmware on Nokia N900
Much people have a bad experience when they want to upgrade the firmware on Nokia N900. The most problem is the flasher waits for USB device, whe …
Much people have a bad experience when they want to upgrade the firmware on Nokia N900. The most problem is the flasher waits for USB device, whe …
In the Android, most developers provide the camera or video recorder application in the Android Market, but they only record the video on the foreground view. I …
In the Android System, the camera device is as a service for the Android framework. We can uses the Camera APIs to program a camera application runs on Android. …
最近花點時間看看 Android-x86 的 Ethernet 是怎麼去做的,透過 Android-x86 project 的實作,可以學到許多的內容,因為此 project 是以 Apache License, Version 2.0 方式釋出,所以開發者在基於授權內容的條件下,不用開源就可以任意修改、再散佈。下面是 …
Here are some different tools for Android developer. I believe these tools will help you in your Android project development flow. Highly Useful Resources for A …
In Linux Kernel, we want to print out the mac address information, we can use this pattern. [sourcecode language=”c”] printk("mac address: %02x …
由 Google WebM Project 分支出來的一個專案,名稱為 WebP,主要針對影像資料的壓縮,可以提供相近於 JPEG 的影像品質,而檔案大小可以減少 39.8%。採用的演算法,基本上是在過程中用 WebM 的 coding algorithm 去處理,以 JPEG 演算法程序來看,會在 JPEG 的 DC …
Google provides the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) for developer to test its Android distribution. You can use it to verify the Android platform. This t …
I try to run the monkey test for QNotepad on Android Emulator. The monkey test command is like this, #> adb shell monkey -p packageName -v 500 The packageNam …
This article is an installing steps for user who wants to build the OpenCV on Android. This work is based on the OpenCV and CrystaX .NET. Here is my building en …