[N900] Cannot Upgrade the Firmware on Nokia N900
Much people have a bad experience when they want to upgrade the firmware on Nokia N900. The most problem is the flasher waits for USB device, when the flash mode has been started. The whole message is like this,
flasher v2.5.2 (Sep 24 2009)
Image ‘mmc’, size 255947 kB
Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \.libusb0-0001–0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2101
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of ‘sw-release’: RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_MR0
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.
Especially the last message, it tells you the USB device is not found. But, in actually, you have been plug the USB to the phone.
This may be the USB driver doesn’t ready, so we can apply the libusb-win32 for supporting the N900’s USB connection on Windows.
The libusb-win32 can be found in the Sourceforge.
You can follow this post to install the USB driver, and then, done the upgrade-work for your N900 device.