[Android] The Size of Application Icon
We can design the icon for android application. When we want to put our icon, we should follow the rule of design on the Android. In general, we have to provide …
We can design the icon for android application. When we want to put our icon, we should follow the rule of design on the Android. In general, we have to provide …
In the Set the Partition Size for Android Emulator, I explain that how to set the partition size for Android emulator. But, in that way, you should execute the …
Sometimes, you have to implement the performance sensitivity or low-level operations in your application. That means you need to execute the code on the na …
Introduction:Basically, there is no any ringtone in the Android emulator. You can add ringtone by the adb command. In the Android, you can place some many resou …
Because the Android Emulator is running on simulated ARM instruction set on x86-platform so that the emulator is too slowly generally. You can choose the Androi …
In the default setting for Android emulator, the system will reply a “out of memory” error when we want to install other package to the emulator. Ab …
When we download the Android source code from AOSP, the branch list and tag list are existing on the local repository. We can get these lists through the git co …
When we develop a project includes the JNI technique, we should use the Android NDK tool for building these source code. But, the NDK is a command line tool tha …
在販賣 Android 裝置時,需要考慮支援不同的國家語言,甚至為了配合出貨程序,要在出貨時就預載銷售地的語言。為了滿足這項需求,便需要了解一下 Android 系統建置時,相關的語系支援設定。 從 Android Open Source Project 下載回來 Android 2.3.6 的源始碼,可以在 …
千呼萬喚,Android Ice Cream Sandwich終於釋出了,隨著發表會盛大舉行,Android 4.0 SDK也跟著推出。一看到新版SDK的訊息,二話不說就趕快更新了,現在來看看隨SDK附送的Android 4.0 Emulator是怎麼樣子吧! 首先我們看看手機版的介面,一開始看到的當然是開機進入Hom …