轉錄: QA 要做 Code Review 嗎?
看起來是不錯的觀點。 QA要做code review嗎?之前公司在討論, 成為資深QA要具備有哪些條件. 談著談著, 有位資深的architect說, Sr. QA要能做code review, 要能看code, 根據你的經驗早期給feedback.QA真的需要做code review 嗎? 真的能做嗎? 根據Do t …
看起來是不錯的觀點。 QA要做code review嗎?之前公司在討論, 成為資深QA要具備有哪些條件. 談著談著, 有位資深的architect說, Sr. QA要能做code review, 要能看code, 根據你的經驗早期給feedback.QA真的需要做code review 嗎? 真的能做嗎? 根據Do t …
AVI to Mpeg4mencoder input.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -o output.mpg4 -oac lavc -af lavcresample=48000:srate=48000 mencoder input.ogv -ovc lavc -oac mp …
If you want to let the Qt application can support landscape and portrait mode, you can set true for the WA_Maemo5AutoOrientation attribute in the application. [ …
Today I try to put my Qt application in the N900 device which is running Maemo OS. But I obtain the error message likes above, [sourcecode language=”text& …
1. Platform Note – Maemo 5 http://doc.trolltech.com/qt-maemo-4.6/platform-notes-maemo5.html 2. Maemo 5 Examples http://doc.trolltech.com/qt-maemo-4.6/exam …
Try to build a simple notepad application based on Qt. I use the QTextEdit widget to handle the inputted by user. Because a simple window may have a series of m …
Let the Android application will be not included the title bar. public static void setFullNoTitleScreen(Activity context) { context.setTheme(R.style.Theme_Black …
Handling portrait/landscape switch in Android http://kazed.blogspot.com/2010/03/handling-portraitlandscape-switch-in.html
Today, I learn to how to set a layout for QWidget. In this layout, I add two widgets SpinBox and Slider for Window . The two widgets should be connected each ot …
I learn to create a QPushButton and build a connection between clicked action and quit function.