[Android] [Error] AIDL and “couldn’t find import” when you are building the Android source
When you catch this error message, you have to check the “build/core/pathmap.mk” file. In the file, it defines the FRAMEWORKS_BASE_SUBDIRS variable …
When you catch this error message, you have to check the “build/core/pathmap.mk” file. In the file, it defines the FRAMEWORKS_BASE_SUBDIRS variable …
Qt Lab 日前在 Blog 介紹了 BogDan 提供的 Qt Creator,叫做 Necessitas,其可以支援 Android 並整合 Qt Creator,各位可以看看安裝教學,應該很容易可以弄起來,在 Necessitas 上有很詳細的說明和 source code 下載位址。 Necessitas 可 …
今天有幸跟朋友購入一支 Google Phone,跟台灣版的 i9020 不同,這款是用 AMOLED 螢幕,雖然有人說這種技術會造成螢幕烙印,不過,似乎也是要長時間維持在某個畫面,才可能有這樣的問題,不過看到一些評測,AMOLED 的畫面表現真的不錯,所以就不考慮這麼多了,當作體驗一下 AMOLED 的魅力好了,這就 …
– Preparation of Source Code 1. Build the Android Source 2. Make a copy of Launcher from Android source tree 3. For all source files, you should change th …
I had been published the result of my build the Android Gingerbread-x86 before. Here, I will post a problem when I build the source code and try to solve it. Wh …
I build the Gingerbread-x86 which is provided by Android-x86. Here is the screenshot. But I can’t use mouse in the system.
Let the Android application will be not included the title bar. public static void setFullNoTitleScreen(Activity context) { context.setTheme(R.style.Theme_Black …
Handling portrait/landscape switch in Android http://kazed.blogspot.com/2010/03/handling-portraitlandscape-switch-in.html
MultiColumn ListView in Android http://www.heikkitoivonen.net/blog/2009/02/15/multicolumn-listview-in-android/ 當我們在開發 Android Application 時,如果需要多個 column,便可採用這個 …
以下這個轉換應該是很有可能會需要的。 private void conv_rgb565_to_rgb24(int [] out, byte [] data, int width, int height) { int pos = 0; int bound = (width * height) 11; int g = (r …