A Eclipse’s CDT Bug Makes It Crashed

Few days ago, I use the Eclipse IDE for developing C/C++ program.
But I had a problem…

When I opened a C/C++ project, it will crash.
I figure out the first of Eclipse’s work is the “build workspace”, then the “C/C++ Indexer”.
In the second step, the Eclipse will be closed.
It seems like a bug in C/C++ indexer.

So I try to google this issue, I found out a bug report in Red Hat Bugzilla.
The bug title is “Eclipse CDT indexer crashes in Fedora 14“.

Many developers encounter this problem and try to solve it.
By the discussion, the bug is generally produced when the x86_64 JVM is installed.
The JVM developer team is going to try to fix this bug in later version.
But in actually, I haven’t seen any new status in this issue.

Fortunately, they provide a work around solution in this discussion.
The better way to work around it would add a statement into eclipse.ini.
Below the “-vmargs”, you can add this line,


I have been tried it and have a good result.
This time I don’t need to worry about the multi-language co-developement in Eclipse!
