[Qt] Qt Preparation
因為跟幾個同好組了一個 Qt 讀書會,當然第一步就是先把開發環境建立起來囉!
今天試著安裝 Qt 開發環境,安裝過程非常簡單方便,下載檔案後就是一路 next step ,沒有什麼意外,真是太棒了。
最後順便將 Eclipse 加上Qt 外掛,應該也是會滿好用的吧!
Today I try to install the Qt development environment because I have been found out some partners study together.
The installation is very easy and convenience.
Finally, I install the Qt plugin for Eclipse. It’s also easy to install.
I just unpack the Qt development package into the work directory of Eclipse by tar command.
Here is the first look for Qt Creator.